Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Went Swimming Yesterday in a Purple Sun Block Skin Suit

Devan (age 2): Auntie, why does you skin look like that?

Makayla (age 8): Auntie, why is your skin purple? and neon . . . .

Husband (age 29 and mean): Ugh! What up with your skin? Isn't there a sun block that won't make you look like a neon barney? (not really what he said but something mean like that)

Auntie T (age 28 years of super hyper sensitive skin) :
Okay, okay! My skin is purple because I fear the sun and it burning powers! Sure, the sun is bright. It's fun, and warm and soothing. When it's nice to you, you can play outside all day, go to the beach or pool and hang out all day. But then you turn your back and go inside or the day is over and you have to leave. All of a sudden the sun is still on your back - your face, your neck and chest and its saying, " HA HA HA I got you!!!! mwa ha ha!" You are burned, red and ITCHY! The sun got you alright and the pain it causes will last for days and days.

I am purple because I don't care what it takes, how many layers of natural sunblock I have to put on, I am not getting a sun burn this summer!!!

3 layers of this all over my face, even around my eyes, neck and chest. No allergies. No Sunburn. Not so white or crazy purple when topped with some good old tinted moisturizer. YAY!

California Baby Water Resistant, Hypo-Allergenic Sunscreen, SPF 30+

Heavy, white, purple neon when it gets wet sunscreen. I can put this on my face and all over my body and not worry about breaking out, allergies to the actual product or getting a sunburn. I look ridiculous but at least my skin is protected. Ha Ha Ha!

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